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4 min 5 mths

Defending Criminal Harassment Charges

Stalking, defined by the Criminal Code of Canada as criminal harassment, is a serious offence. It can be prosecuted as an indictable offence or summary conviction, depending on what kind of harassment was undertaken. Being charged with stalking should not be taken lightly. You could […]

Fitness Advice For Beginners
6 min 2 yrs

Fitness Advice For Beginners

If you’re new to working out, there’s good fitness advice for beginners. First, don’t rush it. You’ll be frustrated by your lack of progress and likely won’t want to continue doing your workout routine until you’ve recovered from your previous session. Instead, take it easy […]

Legal Advice For Divorces
5 min 2 yrs

Legal Advice For Divorces

For those seeking legal advice for divorces, there are several resources available to you. These resources include finding a lawyer, getting free or low-cost legal advice, preparing financially for a divorce, and negotiating with your spouse. The following information will help you find the right […]

HCG Drops
3 min 3 yrs

Do HCG Drops Suppress Appetite?

Appetite suppression is one of the most popular and controversial topics regarding weight loss. Some people swear by HCG (human chorionic gonadotropin) drops as an efficient way to reduce their cravings and control their hunger, while others question whether these products work. In this blog […]

4 min 5 yrs

What is Olandbron?

If you’ve ever been to Sweden, you may have wondered what is Olandbron, or Oland Bridge. Located in Kalmar, Sweden, the bridge connects Farjestaden and the city of Kalmar. It’s 6,072 meters long and supported by 156 pillars. Its western end features a characteristic hump. […]

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